Pinfold Street Primary School
Learning is the key to success

The Teaching of Reading
Reading is a priority at Pinfold Street. Our aim is for all pupils to read fluently, confidently and choose to read for pleasure.
We ensure we provide well-structured lessons teaching explicit phonics and reading skills through RWI phonics, RWI comprehension and reading specific lessons.
We explicitly teach the reading skills through VIPERS and we use our reading dogs to help children remember the skills.
KS1 VIPERS dogs: Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Sequence
KS2 VIPERS dogs: Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Summary
We ensure our children are exposed to a range of quality texts/extracts (fiction, non-fiction and poetry) within our reading and English lessons.
Struggling readers receive RWI phonics interventions and are heard read more frequently one-to-one with an adult.
Within our reading lessons, each year group builds up their own Vocabulary Vault. This helps lock in vocabulary through pre-teaching and repetition. This vocabulary is then recapped throughout the year and children can embed this within their English lessons.
Click here to view the structure of phonics and reading lessons throughout the whole school.
Promoting a love of reading
We ensure that we provide a wide range of books for our children. We want children to enjoy reading and be able to choose a book that interests them.
Each year, we take part in World Book Day where the whole school enjoys a range of activities based around books. This is something the children always look forward to.
KS2 use Accelerated Reader enabling children to complete a mini quiz after each book read. Children earn points and enjoy the mini quizzes, which also help deepen their understanding.
Each class has story time at least three times a week where children just listen to a story being read by an adult.​
Individual Reading at School and Home Reading
All home reading and individual reading at school is logged on Boom Reader. If you need help using it or have forgotten your child’s login, please email info@pinfold-st.walsall.sch.uk.
Home reading books are organised to match pupils’ phonic skills and reading age.
Home reading books promote a love of reading: all pupils select a library book to take home, either a family shared book or a pupil interest book.
Monthly Newsletter - Building Readers